2 BOBOLINK together on Scilly!

30th September 2023

One of the 2 BOBOLINK at the north end of the runway where both birds showed well when flushed up by an aircraft coming in overhead.

Mid-morning, shortly after seeing Wryneck, 2 Firecrest, Sparrowhawk, Pied and Spotted Flycatcher, 26 Stock Dove and a Crossbill flew east. in the Borough Farm area, news broke that Will Scott had not one but 2 BOBOLINK together in fields at the north end of the runway! One of the birds was John Mercer’s individual that he had late yesterday in the same area. On my first visit, I got the Common Rosefinch but no sign of the Yanks. Returning later on, I connected with a single Bobolink when the other individual flew in from the west and perched up next to the other bird after being flushed out of the fields by an aircraft coming into land. Both Bobolink performed well for a few minutes before disappearing back into the fields to feed. At 17.25, as the murky weather was coming in, I viewed the Osprey distantly, that was on St Martins earlier on, over Porth Hellick from the NE corner of the airport track.

This Wryneck has been hanging out at Borough Farm for nearly two weeks now

Pied Flycatcher in the Borough Farm area

Spotted Flycatcher

Also 26 Stock Dove

The bottom image is the second Bobolink that came in to join the other individual. (Above images) This is the first time that more than a single bird has been recorded in the in the UK! I’ve seen a few Bobolink across the pond but the only other Boblink that I’ve observed was an individual at Carn Friars in 1996.

And I could only get the worst record shot of a Common Rosefinch in the same hedges as the Bobolink but you can still make out what it is

Distant record shot of the Osprey over Porth Hellick

There were up to 4 Wheatear on the edge of the airfield

Three days ago this Glossy Ibis arrived on St Mary’s and the following morning it was on my garden list! I was looking out of my window when it flew in from the north and pitched down on the edge of the wader scrape. Here it stuck around, sharing the scrape with Buster for a good ten minutes before making a short flight into the nearby horse paddocks.

Redstart at Telegraph

This long-staying Nightengale can be observed quite easily on the NE track from the airfield into Trethmellon where I took this pic last week.

After discovering the third Scilly record in 2019, it appears that Nephrectoma flavipapis has colonised St Mary’s. This mating pair were in the garden.

Also had this Yellow-tailed Moth in the garden

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Author: Kris Webb 10

I love to throw sticks at trees! I also can’t get enough of music! I also blog about my observations on Scilly and wherever I go around the world and what’s sometimes on my mind. I’ve visited over 30 countries and some more times than once. I’ve worked and volunteered in Nepal, USA, Peru, Gambia, Costa Rica, 3x Australia, and refugee camps in Palestine The profile image is one I took while in Palestine of a brave Israeli holding high the Palestinian flag in front of the Israeli Offensive Forces during protests in Belin

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